The quest for power begins...
This isn't treasure hunting, this is astro-archeology.
Professor Soren Stallard, an ex-military officer, teaches college students by day and explores ancient ruins by night. After serving in the Cyberwars, he wants nothing more than to live a simple life. But when he receives word that a family member has gone missing while searching for a lost artifact, Soren travels to Frontier Space in search of clues.
Little does he know, there are dangerous entities working in secret, trying to prevent him from finding answers and they will stop at nothing to keep the truth hidden.
A power vacuum exists in the galaxy. Ambition, deception, and corruption have led to mistrust among several alien races. Despite the United Planetary Council's efforts to keep the old alliances intact, several factions have broken off. Nevertheless, Allegiant Space is still home to most of the human race.
Within this space opera action adventure, you'll find spaceships, futuristic weapons, engaging characters, and alien races. Not to mention secret societies, ancient ruins, mystical energies, and MUCH MUCH MORE! Join the fun and get your copy today!