This book helps military veterans get the job they deserve.
When it comes to military transitions books, veterans are given a firehose of instructions. How to dress, how to write a resume, how to give an interview, blah, blah,blah… This information overload, can overwhelm military members to the point of inaction. About Face provides quick tips that cut through the BS, so you can take action immediately. Once you’ve finished reading these badass tips, you’ll be able to identify common pitfalls that most military members make, and change your course before it’s too late. Not only that, but you’ll be able to navigate the unknown jungles of the corporate sector with confidence and ease.
In the end, you’ll regain control of your career and get the job you deserve.
Whether you’re active duty planning to get out, a veteran who’s already transitioned, or a supervisor who wishes to assist your troops, About Face will give you the tools you need to make the right decisions. Furthermore, family members will benefit from this book by identifying what is expected out of their military spouse, and assisting them with this major life event.
So go ahead and give it a shot.
The problem with military transitions:
If you’re anything like I was during my transition, you’re probably worried about switching over to the civilian sector. Like countless veterans throughout the decades, you have no idea what to expect. How will you take care of your family? How will you pay your bills? Feed your kids? Do you have what it takes? Can you find another job? Where should you start? How do you compare to the competition? What if you don’t have the skillsets the commercial sector is looking for? What will you do if you can’t find a job? And the list goes on, and on.
In short, your transition seems like the oncoming apocalypse.
If you don’t get this right, you’re doomed to a life of eating Ramen, wearing 2-week-old underwear, and selling your all worldly possessions (read: xbox and childhood comic books) just to survive.
At least that’s what you’ve jedi-mind-tricked yourself into believing.
To quote the great western philosopher and Jedi master, Yoda, “Fear is the path to the darkside.”
Like Dorothy setting out to find the Wizard of Oz, you’re concerned more about the proverbial lions, and tigers, and bears (oh my!), than the actual yellow-brick-road that lies ahead.
These can be troubling times. Especially with force reduction taking place across all services. If you’re weren’t planning on getting out (or you procrastinated until the last minute...), you might be in a bit of a pickle trying to work things out. But the good news is, things are never as bad we imagine. Not to mention, your whole military career has been preparing you for this exact situation. Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter if you were an analyst, loadmaster, or pilot. All military members constantly move from place to place, learning to adapt, work under deadlines, and made tough decisions.
Your transition is no different.
Same. Same.
About Face 8 Mistakes To Avoid (Military Transitions: Book 2) Digital Version
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